Evan Bleker Writer Page
Evan Bleker is the founder of Member Sherpa, our key editor, and content writer. He’s run member sites since 2011 and has 20 years experience analyzing companies as an investor.

Evan Bleker
Evan has been involved in the startup world since the mid 2000s. He launched his first membership website in 2011 and its success sparked a fascination with online communities and a deep dive into what makes them successful.
This journey resulted in the successful launch of a number of different
websites that have provided him with semi-passive income. He’s advised new entrepreneurs on their startups and has hosted masterminds to share knowledge and advice towards building successful businesses. Now he’s bringing the best practices he’s discovered through his journey in internet marketing to other subscription website founders through Member Sherpa.
In his other life, Evan runs a niche stock investing membership website and has authored the book, Benjamin Graham’s Net-Net Stock Strategy.