Asking, ‘how do I increase my club membership?’

You’re not alone. Anyone building a tribe needs to know how to attract followers or members to build a successful company.

Luckily, the strategy and tactics are pretty straightforward. If you have a business already, then you’re more than capable of executing most of these. Let’s dig into it.


How Do I Increase My Club Membership?

You can increase your club membership by creating a more compelling offer, getting prospects to view your offer, and reaching more prospects. These are the three key strategies you can use to increase your club membership.

Creating a More Compelling Offer to Improve Club Membership

Never forget that people join your club to get some benefit. So, what exactly are you offering? Does it meet the needs and wants of your target group?

Finding out exactly what challenges your niche is facing, focusing on the most annoying, pressing, or painful. This means addressing their pain point, something that is causing your target member pain, and the better you can offer a solution that addresses this pain point, the better your signup rates will be.

Getting Prospects to View Your Offer is Necessary To Grow Your Club Membership

You won’t get member signups if nobody knows that they can join your club. It follows that if you want to get more club members, then you need to get your offer in front of as many of your target prospects as possible.

Remember, your offer is what you propose to provide them with as a club member in exchange for the cold hard cash they hand you. That pairing – benefit and cost – constitutes your offer.

To get your offer in front of more interested prospects, you really need to let your prospects know in more points of communication that you have an offer that they should check out. This means enticing your prospects to view your offer as part of the emails you send them, as part of the presentations you give, the interviews you have on podcasts, and on your website.

If you are doing in person marketing, maybe at an event, then you want to make sure that you mention your offer to as many people you interact with as possible. Have cards ready to give them that include core benefits of your offer and where to view membership details (aka your signup page).

Reaching More Prospects is a Great Way to Boost Club Membership

If you already have an offer that converts well, and you are making your club membership opportunity known at each point of communication, then you need to spend your time on reaching more prospects. This comes down to executing well on specific marketing channels.

For web businesses, this really means search engine optimization (SEO), running ads, building social posts, podcasting, and marking YouTube videos. The more people you reach, the better.

For SEO, we’re really talking about writing keyword-focused articles that rank well on Google’s search results page. SEO is too large of a topic to cover here, but the better you can tailor your content to the sort of content that search engines (Google) want, the better. And, really, the more articles you can write that speak to your target market, the better.

Ads can really juice your marketing, but are expensive. If you have the funds, and you have a well converting offer, then this is a worthwhile place to invest some money.

Social, podcasting, and YouTube also makes sense, but remember that where you market depends on where your prospects tend to hang out. It’s a bit like gold mining. Once you tap into a vein of gold, you keep pursuing it in the hope of reaching the motherload (a huge number of your target audience).

It takes time, so you will have to invest consistently over a number of years to really build your following.

In the end, getting more club members is not rocket science – it just requires executing on a few key marketing areas. By focusing on your offer, getting that offer in front of more of your prospects, and reaching more of your prospects, you’ll likely increase member signups.

Read next: What Are Social Media Tribes?